 tons in 2022

Thanks to the support of the Julius Baer Foundation and in collaboration with the Fondation de la Mer, Ecoalf Foundation has launched the "Repêchons les Océans" project : the French adaptation of Upcycling the Oceans. The objectives are common to those of the other Mediterranean countries that make up this network: to collaborate with the fishing sector in cleaning up the ocean, to promote the recycling of recovered marine litter and, above all, to raise awareness in order to prevent pollution.

Ports involved

Boulogne Sur Mer
Grau d'Adge
Saint Guénolé

Repêchons les Océans is not only active on the Mediterranean coast, but also intends to establish itself in the Atlantic area, where most of the French trawling fleet operates.

New heroes, new partners and new territories, for the same goal: to clean up the oceans.

This initiative is also part of the "Un geste pour la mer" platform coordinated by the Fondation de la Mer. A community that unites citizens, associations, scientists, educational institutions, communities and private entities that fight against plastic waste in the oceans.

Alain Adell ,

Grau d'Adge, France

Cyril Montalieu,

Grau d'Adge, France

Fred Guilhen,

Grau d'Adge, France

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